Hi , This post will show you about .net user control YearMonthPicker which I created.
Let's start...
1. For using my user control you have to download .dll file from Knightsorf YearMonthPicker
2. Add user control to your project.
2.1 Choose Items...
2.2 Browse to Knightsoft.dll from download
2.3 YearMonthPicker control has added.
3. How to use YearMonthPicker control
3.1 Drag YearMonthPicker control to form.
On running
4. How to get values from YearMonthPicker control
From example selection "201902"
Get value (return value as string)
VB : YearMonthPicker1.Value >>>> "201902"
Assign value to YearMonthPicker control
VB : YearMonthPicker1.Value = Now.Date.ToString("yyyyMM", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"))
or VB : YearMonthPicker1.Value = "201902"
*** YearMonthPicker always working on culture info "en-GB" ***
Optional value from YearMonthPicker
Text (return as string)
VB : YearMonthPicker1.Text >>>> "201902"
First date of your YearMonthPicker selection (return as date)
VB : YearMonthPicker1.FirstDate
or VB : YearMonthPicker1.FirstDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-d")
Last date of your YearMonthPicker selection (return as date)
VB : YearMonthPicker1.LastDate
or VB : YearMonthPicker1.LastDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-d")
Thank you.